Press Release: Hydrophis Advances Green Minerals Technology


Adelaide, South Australia – Hydrophis is advancing the development of its innovative green minerals technology following a significant visit last week from key government officials…

Pilot 4: Extensive Final Test Run Before Demo Plant Build


Hydrophis announces that Pilot 4 of our CO2 Utilisation technology will start at the beginning of October 2024 and will run until approximately…

Magnesium Oxide – Calcining Test Update


Hydrophis is pleased to announce our R&D team has successfully converted magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) into ultra-high purity MgO, achieving an impressive 99.3% purity level…

Pilot 3 – Improving quality, treading lighter


Following the successful Pilot 2 in Q4 2023, the Hydrophis team made rig modifications for Pilot 3, which began in May. The latest phase of piloting has focused on chemistry…

Pilot 2 – Product purity leaps ahead


Hydrophis has successfully completed its second wave of pilot testing 6 months ahead of schedule. We have made rapid and significant progress since Pilot 1 in terms of fine control…

Pilot 1 – Massive step up from lab-scale


Hydrophis today completed Pilot 1 of our new CO2 mineralisation technology, with the Q2 research program focusing on the precipitation of Mg and Ca minerals…

Hydrophis, SA Water and Acciona Announce CO2 Sequestration Pilot Program


Reducing carbon dioxide emissions by using carbon dioxide and desalination effluent. Hydrophis Australia, in collaboration with SA Water and…